The Head of Projects and Operations of HABILIS meet with the client to gather all the information necessary to make a good analysis of the service.
Subsequently, a feasibility study, paying special attention to the legal and operational aspects.
This phase will also define the media rights (necessary staff and profiles) and materials needed to carry out the service. Also, the design of the working processes and procedures, establish indicators of quality and productivity, we set the KPI’s and set objectives. With all this, is defined as the control panel of the service.
The Project Manager sets in motion all the documented procedures resulting from the service planning (Phase 1), is selected and hired all the staff and provide the necessary material resources (machinery, PPE, consistency, etc.)
A key success factor, at this stage, is to make a good selection of the profiles established in Phase 1 and a good plan for staff assigned to the service that we will ensure a successful start-up. This should include:
Once the service is started, an analysis of the indicators and the achievement of the objectives set out in the phase 1.
At this stage, we modify the working processes and procedures, according to the findings of the previous phase, in order to establish elements of service improvement. The Person Responsible for project documents this phase, with the approval of the customer, and includes the plans of action and improvement.
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